Spatial distribution of triggered seismic events in Khibiny Mountains
Sergey Baranov1, Alexander Motorin2, Peter Shebalin3
1Kola Branch of Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences
2Kirovsk Branch of “Apaptit JSC”
3Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Using long-term data on the seismicity of the Khibiny massif, it was shown that the distances from seismic events to their triggers (other earlier seismic event) obey a power-law distribution with a parameter that does not depend on the trigger magnitude. Felzer, Brodsky (Nature, V. 441, 2006) and Richards-Dinger et al. (Nature, V. 467, 2010) previously revealed that the same distribution is appropriate for tectonic seismicity. In addition, in this study we showed that in the Khibiny Mountains the distribution of distances from seismic events to the triggering explosions is also power law. Thus, the power law for the spatial distribution of postseismic and post-blasting activities is also valid under conditions of technogenic seismicity. The same type of distribution for postseismic and post-blasting activities in the Khibiny allows to believe that the spatial distribution is determined by the rock properties and does not depend on the mechanism of its disturbance (seismic event or explosion).
Combining a power-law pattern and the previously established earthquake productivity law, confirmed for induced seismicity and seismic productivity of explosions, allows us to estimate the zone where aftershocks are expected with a given probability.
This research was supported by RFBR, project Nu 19-05-00812.